“Grow in the grace and knowledge of
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
2 Peter 3:18
At The Falls Church we believe that God is constantly forming and reforming people of all ages, calling us to be in deeper relationship with God and one another. We are committed to faith formation opportunities for children, teens, and adults that foster intellectual growth and prayerful reflection which together shape how we are called to be Christians in the world. We offer large and small group classes and Bible Studies to help adults at The Falls Church explore their own faith and go deeper with God.
Adult Forum
Each Sunday from September to June our Adult Forum meets in the Fellowship Hall between services from 10:20-11:00 am. This session is often led by our Rector, John Ohmer, who in the past has offered series on a wide variety of topics including The Sermon on the Mount, Forgiveness, and applying the Ten Commandments to our everyday life.
We also have frequent guest speakers at Adult Forum from which we draw on leaders of local social service organizations, faculty of the Virginia Theological Seminary, clergy from other faith traditions, and members of the congregation who have unique expertise or experiences to share.
The Arc Class
The Bible was written over the course of many years and has many different authors. But when you consider it as a whole, it does contain a narrative arc about God’s relationship with God’s people. The Arc Class is a 5 session short course designed and taught by our clergy as an introduction to the overall narrative arc of the Bible and it is offered multiple times a year. Come and see how the narrative arc of your life intersects with the narrative arc of Scripture.
Short Courses
Over the course of the year, short courses on a variety of subjects are offered by our clergy and members of the congregation. These are typically weeknight classes lasting 3 to 5 sessions and often include a light supper of soup and bread. Recent classes have included an exploration of where to find the Christmas story in each of the four gospels, a study of Pope Francis’s encyclical on care for creation, and a host of interesting classes led by parishioners using the resources of ChurchNext.
Bible Studies
Lay-led Bible Studies organically pop up amongst the congregation, often for people at similar times of life. We currently have Bible Study groups for Mothers of Young Children and a Men’s group that meets at the Metro 29 Diner.
If you have any questions regarding adult formation opportunities at The Falls Church, please email