We are excited to announce the launch of The Falls Church Beacon Legacy Society, a special initiative for those who wish to leave a lasting impact on our church’s future. By including the Falls Church in your estate plans, you can help ensure that we remain an enduring beacon of faith, hope, and love to all for generations to come.
As a member of the Beacon Legacy Society, you’ll join a group of visionary supporters dedicated to making a difference. More information on how you can become part of this important effort is below. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to the future of The Falls Church.
What is Planned Giving?
Planned giving is one expression of the wise use of the personal resources God has entrusted to us. “We are stewards of God’s bounty. Caretakers. For a brief period we are given time, energy, and resources.”
Why should I include a gift to The Falls Church in my will or estate plan?
Planned gifts are a way to express your generosity, make a difference by furthering our mission, and provide your estate with valuable tax benefits. So much of The Falls Church we know today is possible due to gifts from a long line of previous members of our church. We experience the bounty of their legacy each time we attend service or participate in a ministry activity.
Ways to Give
A Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
Gifts By Beneficiary Designation: Donor Advised Fund, retirement accounts, life insurance plan, brokerage accounts
Charitable Remainder Trust
Suggested language for your will, codicil to your will, or your living trust
“I give, devise, and bequeath (amount, asset, or percentage of the estate) to The Falls Church at 115 East Fairfax Street, Falls Church, VA 22041, Federal Tax ID #54-0506455 to be used as the church’s vestry deems appropriate.”
Questions or want to let us know if you have already included a gift to The Falls Church in your will or estate? Please email: BeaconSociety@thefallschurch.org.