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Life Events -- a reflection on mine...

May 9, 2019

Earlier this week, I wrote this to a buddy of mine: 

It strikes me that there are very few occasions in life that are truly "life events." 

We have lots of milestones in life, lots of events in our life...but, just for sake of discussion, I'd define "true life events" as those milestones that, while not necessarily less important than other life events, once they happen, there's a clear "before...and after." After "true life events," your life itself, from that point on, is different than it was before. 

I've come up with nine.

I realize such a list is personal: your list might not include some of those on mine, and your list might likely would include events not on my list.

But since "what is most personal is often most universal," I thought I'd share my list of true life events: 

1) Getting your drivers license.

2) Graduating.

3) Starting your first real job.

4) Getting married.

5) Having/welcoming your first baby.


I would put 

#6) "(preparing to) watch your last child graduate from college."

Later (for me) will be (God willing),

7) One's own children's marriages.

8) Having grandchildren.

9) One's first day of retirement.

As some of you know, you know, I'm at #6 this week. 

And I'm a bittersweet mess of raw emotions. 

Early tomorrow morning, Mary and I will make our last seven-hour drive down to Boone, North Carolina to attend and celebrate, with other extended family members, Elizabeth's graduation ceremonies at Appalachian State University. That's where I'll be/what I'll be doing this Sunday, and we'll be making the drive back on Monday.  

Because Elizabeth is four years younger than her older brother Will (who graduated from James Madison) and six years younger than Graham (who graduated from VCU), we've had a child in college for each of the past ten years! 

This weekend, we turn the last page of that chapter in our lives. New chapters in her life, and in ours, will be written shortly. 

But now, this weekend, we celebrate. 

We reflect. 

We express our pride, and our joy, and we give thanks to God, the giver of all good gifts, for joyful life events. 

See you next Sunday, 

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