On Father Burl’s first week with us back in July, the organ outdid itself trying to make a grand impression and caught on fire. While investigating the fried integrated circuit, the repair team found that the existing combination action (including the illuminated stop control) and relay would need to be replaced – essentially, our Steiner Reck organ would need a new control system. While undertaking this major repair, it also made sense to address some other long-standing issues in the organ, including fixing a number of large unstable pipes with collapsing “toes,” and part of the interior action of the pedal chest. The work is projected to take 3 months and will cost approximately $55,000.
Please consider contributing to the restoration of our grand instrument, especially now that we are back to worshipping together in person and its presence in supporting and enhancing our services is missed all the more!
With gratitude,
Julie Huang Tucker, Music Director
Soloist: Margaret Stromecki
Singers: Aliceann Muller Brett Brown Bob Shepler Kenyon Erickson Walt Cooper Betsy Erickson John Schaettler Gene Stromecki Geoffrey Kannan
String Ensemble: Betsy Cline, Jennifer Mondie, Roger Cline
Music Director and Pianist: Julie Tucker
Video Editor: Geoffrey Kannan
"Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation."
Psalm 95:1
During the pandemic, we have moved our choral music-making to the digital sphere. We create guide tracks for our singers and then collect their individual videos to compile them into a “virtual choir” formation with an approximate 2-week turnaround.
Anyone who is welcome to join, no prior experience required! All you need are headphones and two electronic devices – one to watch the guide track, and one to record yourself singing into.

If you’re interested in singing a solo or playing your instrument for an offertory or at another place in our virtual services, that is also a welcome addition to our worship.
Please contact Julie Huang Tucker, Director of Music, for more information: jtucker@thefallschurch.org.